Server Functions

Server functions exclusive to the extendedmode framework


For these functions to work you must be using the extendedmode method of importing functions. To do this simply add shared_script '@extendedmode/imports.lua' to your fxmanifest.lua.


OneSync Only

ExM.Game.SpawnVehicle(vehModel, vehCoords)

This function is a quick and easy way to create a vehicle from the server, no model requesting needed as it's serverside. You can choose whether or not to store the vehicle in a variable.


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
vehModel hash No - The model of the vehicle you want to create, can be a hash or a string
vehCoords vector3/4 No - You can use a vector3 or vector4 here, if only using a vector3 the heading will default to 0.0


local coords = vec4(-383.644, -1864.176, 20.5, 335.2)
local vehicle = ExM.Game.SpawnVehicle(`jester`, coords)


OneSync Only

ExM.Game.CreatePed(pedModel, pedCoords, pedType)

This function is a quick and easy way to create a ped from the server, no model requesting needed as it's serverside. You can choose whether or not to store the ped in a variable.


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
pedModel hash No - The model of the ped you want to spawn
pedCoords vector3/4 No - You can use a vector3 or vector4 here, if only using a vector3 the heading will default to 0.0
pedType integer Yes 4 (PED_TYPE_CIVMALE) The type of ped you want to use. List of Ped Types


local coords = vec4(-383.644, -1864.176, 20.5, 335.2)
local ped = ExM.Game.CreatePed(`a_m_m_acult_01`, coords.xyzw, 27)


OneSync Only

ExM.Game.SpawnObject(objectModel, objectCoords, isDynamic)

This function is a quick and easy way to create an object from the server, no model requesting needed as it's serverside. You can choose whether or not to store the object in a variable.


Argument Data Type Optional Default Value Description
objectModel hash No - The model of the object you want to spawn
objectCoords vector3 No - The coordinates of where to spawn the object
isDynamic boolean Yes true If you want the object to be dynamic or not


local coords = vec3(-383.644, -1864.176, 20.5)
local object = ExM.Game.SpawnObject(`prop_bin_05a`,, false)